Whether you are a beginner, emerging, or somewhere in-between we have a documentary program for you.
Our Doc U program is for first time media makers. This 16 week program takes you through the process of story construction, learning our cameras and field gear (while shooting your documentary) and Adobe Premiere (while editing your doc). You (and your fellow participants) will screen your five minute documentary at our community screening. This program runs January through April. Applications will open November 1-November 30 with interviews in December. This program is made possible through a grant from the McKnight Foundation and the National Endowment for the Arts.
Spotlight Shorts is a program for folks with 1-3 years of media making experience and have done short documentaries, but not necessarily longer docs. In this program we will spend time building cinematography skills, more advanced lighting, and editing with storytelling in mind. Participants will work on their own short documentary (5-20 minutes) and work on two other members documentaries. This program is made possible with a grant from the Minnesota State Arts Board.
Emerging artists who are looking to build skills in pitching, story development, funding, and marketing can do so in our New Angle Fellows program. This program runs October through May. We meet every other week. Applications are open Aug 1-31. This program is made possible with a grant from the Jerome Foundation and the National Endowment for the Arts.
With a grant from the Raymond J Christensen Foundation of the St. Paul & Minnesota Foundation SPNN is able to offer $15,000 post production grants to emerging artists through our Fresh Vantage Program.